Wednesday, October 8, 2008


1. Energy: I feel like the candidates spend enough time on this issue, but I feel like they never do it for the right reasons. I don't care that it makes us economically dependant, because that isn't a deterrent to enough of the population to make a change. The real issue is what it's doing to the environment and that the gas company lobbies are holding down real progress.

2. Israel: Not too many of the candidates want to step on the toes of pro-Israel activists, but they just don't care enough about its ally. We need a candidate who is willing to protect its only ally in a very unstable region at any cost because of its technological and economical benefits.

3. Stem Cell Research: This is one of the most important advances in finding cures for some of nature's harshest ailments, but we are too bogged down by lobbies from the extremist views. I want a candidate who will be more willing to make this an important way to progress in medicine and health.

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